Durango Outdoor Exchange strives to be a gear store for everyone. We hope you feel a sense of community and place the minute you walk through the door. Whether you are brand new to a sport and looking for guidance or just in for your weekly check on sweet used gear finds, we are so happy you’re here. We are thankful for each and every customer and consignor and feel lucky we get to continue growing in our dream jobs. And now, for the introductions…
It happens to all of us–we accumulate a few too many pairs of skis, a bike saddle we took off an old steed but never found another use for, pants we **might**have, um, outgrown, and shoes we loved but just never fit right.
It’s nice to accumulate old gear in closets and sheds, but it’s nicer to sell it. Much nicer.
Selling your used gear to Durango Outdoor Exchange is a great way to pass on the good vibes and build store credit that you can use for upgrading your quiver(s). Best of all, selling your used outdoor gear is a super chill and easy experience. Read on to learn how.
Look–we can’t deny that huge ski areas are popular for a reason. Mega ski resorts often have the most terrain, the newest lifts, the snazziest shuttles, the most interesting base villages, and the best dining and aprés options. They can also (sometimes) have the best snow.
But big ski areas can also be a big pain in the rear. Crowds, traffic, lift lines, parking hassles, wild hotel and meal prices, and jaw-dropping lift ticket rack rates can all conspire to make skiing seem a LOT less fun than it should be.
Winter snow may still cover the high country for another six months or more, but it’s never too early to learn about what’s new in mountain bike tech for 2025. Spring Break is right around the corner and whether it’s a trip to the desert you have planned, or you are dreaming about your perfect ride for this summer, now is the time to learn about what’s new for this year.
Not up for a new bike? Come spring,Durango Outdoor Exchange will have plenty ofused bikes to choose from–we just may have the perfect project bike for some of the tech you see listed below.