We all know that donating our clothes is a great way to clean out our closets, and we may even make a few bucks at a local consignment shop. But did you know that donating or consigning your clothes and outdoor gear also has huge social and environmental benefits?
In the beginning, we knew every person who displayed a sticker (read, our moms). As the business grew, so did the visibility of our stickers around town. On cars and roof boxes, the cement blockers at Durango Joes, and I really felt like we'd made it when I saw one on the Natures Oasis light post.
We developed an online store the week after the pandemic closed us down in an effort to hustle, stay afloat and continue to serve our customers curbside. It worked because you supported us. And now, we are able to turn it off and focus once again on what we do best, helping our community find the gear they need, in our shop, at an affordable price.
Here at Durango Outdoor Exchange, we see just about everything outdoors and even some items not made for the outdoors! In this post we want to highlight some of those not-traditionally outdoorsy items that we have come to consider integral to any outing.
It is HOT in town these days and the river is looking a little low so you know what that means, time to hop on two wheels and head to the high country!