3677 Main Ave - Mon - Sat 10AM to 6 PM - Closed Sundays


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April 27, 2020 2 min read

The stay at home orders have turned to safer-at-home orders for the state of Colorado beginning 4/27/2020. What does that mean for business, you ask? Let us share what we know with you. Beginning Monday, 4/27/2020, non essential businesses (that's us!) are able to provide curbside pickup. Then starting on Friday, May 8th, non essential businesses are allowed to start letting people shop in-store. 

The local health agency, San Juan Basin Health, is working on a self certification form for us as employers to comply with to help limit the spread of Covid-19 as we resume some sort of normalcy. This includes encouraging the use of a face covering, washing your hands thoroughly and frequently, maintaining at least 6 feet of space between one another, limiting groups to 10 people or less, not entering public spaces if you are exhibiting symptoms, obtaining and documenting employee temperatures, and practicing safe cough and sneeze protocol. 

If you're interested in consigning with us our new consignment protocol will be slightly different than the way we used to do it before our closure. We will have signs instructing consignors to bring all soft goods in a trash bag or some other disposable container and dropping it off outside of the back door. If you have hard goods, such as bikes or kayaks, we will be wiping those down with disinfectant, pricing them, and getting them out on the floor per normal operating procedures. With the soft goods, we will be filling out a brief consignor form that includes information such as your consignor information and whether or not you'd like for us to keep or donate items we aren't able to consign. 



Chase LaCroix
Chase LaCroix

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A short guide to Colorado’s smallest ski areas

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New mountain biking tech for 2025
New mountain biking tech for 2025

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Running shoe sole thickness: What you need to know
Running shoe sole thickness: What you need to know

February 01, 2025 3 min read

One of the main ways to determine running shoe type is by looking at sole thickness. The sole is what cushions and stabilizes you, and how much of it your shoes have goes a long way to predicting how comfortable the shoes will be.

But, more sole does not always equate to a better shoe, and the reason behind this is guided in part by what kind of runner you are.

With so many shoes offering varying levels of sole thickness, how do you know what’s best for you? Let’s look at the importance of sole thickness, how it impacts your running performance, and what to look for when choosingrunning shoes in Durango.

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